Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash
- The optimal sleep time for humans is 10 hours up to the age of 25, and 8 hours for the ages 25-65. Whereas it is only 6 hours for 65+.
- Specialists suggest that the ability of people to have 24 hour internet access is the most important factor in recent years, disrupting the sleep patterns of people.
- Divorced or widowed people are more likely to experience sleep disorders.
- Snails sleep may last as long as 3 years.
- Otters hold hands whilst sleeping so as to not be dragged by the currents.
- According to neurologists, people are not able to dream during the first years of their lives.
- Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping.
- It is a common condition for people with hearing impairment to use sign language while sleeping.
- Our brain during sleep has the feature to filter outside noises, as long as not sensing danger.
- Giraffes require only 5-30 minutes of sleep during a 24 hour period.