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10 Interesting Facts About Sleep

Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

  1. The optimal sleep time for humans is 10 hours up to the age of 25, and 8 hours for the ages 25-65. Whereas it is only 6 hours for 65+.
  2. Specialists suggest that the ability of people to have 24 hour internet access is the most important factor in recent years, disrupting the sleep patterns of people.
  3. Divorced or widowed people are more likely to experience sleep disorders.
  4. Snails sleep may last as long as 3 years.
  5. Otters hold hands whilst sleeping so as to not be dragged by the currents.
  6. According to neurologists, people are not able to dream during the first years of their lives.
  7. Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping.
  8. It is a common condition for people with hearing impairment to use sign language while sleeping.
  9. Our brain during sleep has the feature to filter outside noises, as long as not sensing danger.
  10. Giraffes require only 5-30 minutes of sleep during a 24 hour period.

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